Highlights on User Experience

Excellent user experiences are the backbone of a differential website. Helps to identify if there is an increase in bounce rate or conversion rates. More and more companies and social media Thailand are learning to design user experiences that convert to stay competitive.

Investing in UX is necessary to distance yourself from competitors. Several studies have shown that for every euro that a company invests to increase usability, it receives between 10 and 100 dollars of benefits, in addition to customer loyalty. In the same way, they should guide and help you while he uses your website, product or application.

Optimal User Experience Is An Added Value

For many companies and social media Bangkok, the consumer is the basis of their strategies. Therefore, providing good care is the key to creating a solid image of the brand. Thus, a “different” company impression is also projected to customers. To achieve good user experiences that convert, three basic guidelines must be met:

  • Improve the response rate to user requests.
  • Build a relationship with the community based on trust.
  • Provide care without any inconvenience

The interaction must be personalized, natural and immediate. In this way, the constant repetition of information that leads the user to abandon the brand is avoided.

As the Social’s Shift indicates, most consumers who are loyal to a brand are so because they have had a positive experience with it. Achieving loyalty of users with whom you have already interacted supports the work of the company. Also, it improves the image of the company for potential clients.

Experiences in more than one location

Optimal user experience is not limited to the sensations generated by visiting a website. The user experiences that convert are developed across multiple devices. Interaction with the brand can also be with physical elements.

For example, you can search for information about television that interests us on our smartphone while travelling by train. Then, when you get home, you close the purchase on the tablet and pick up the order at the company store. In total, two digital devices and the physical store have been used to obtain the product. Therefore, the customer experience has been extended during the day through 3 different interfaces.

Therefore, the user experience must be considered as a global concept that affects the relationship between the brand and the user community.