Undisputable Facts About The UPS

The experience of having your device go off while you are working on an important document is harrowing, especially if you were yet to save such a document.

Another scenario will be you working with an external internet connector like your modem, and your device goes off, or you need your landline plugged in for an emergency call. Power failures are usually not planned. It occurs at the least expected moments most times and can be fluctuating. An outage sometimes occurs due to freezing winters or storms that cut power lines, more power consumption in hot summer seasons, or even equipment failure.

Experiencing such and losing essential data frequently can be remedied by purchasing a battery back up unit or a UPS unit or a UPS for office (เครื่องสำรองไฟ สำนักงาน ,which is the term in Thai) unit. The UPS, like the Pluto 800, is built with circuitry to detect a power failure and switches to running your device on the battery energy conserved while plugged into a power source. It also combines a surge suppressor to a Katha size battery.

The UPS affords you some limited time to quickly do work, such as saving data and shutting down the device correctly in the advent of a power outage. Depending on the type of UPS purchased, you can have up to 10 minutes extra time to do the needful after a power failure.

Things To Consider In purchasing a UPS.

  1. Know the unit measure in watts of the devices you want to power up during a power failure and go for a UPS unit that supplies that amount or more.
  2. Ensure you plug the UPS directly to a wall outlet, not via an extension, a cord, or a surge suppressor.
  3. Make sure that the UPS is plugged into a fit 3-pronged power source.
  4. It is essential to speak to your local power company or a professional to gain more clarity for things not clear about the UPS.
  5. Bear in mind that UPS units are usually heavy owing to their lead-acid battery build up.